Sunday, 31 May 2015
Rage and Fury of the "Battle of the Bulge"
Monday, 25 May 2015
157th HAA Battery Diary entries 21 to 25 May 1940
0400 Preparation for evacuation of Battery to NANTES No.2 Base Sub Area. Orders issued that Battery would move at 1200 hours.
1145 Battery column assembled. Took cover while a few bombs were dropped on area.
1200 Column moved off. Destination railway station ROUILLY-GEROUDOT road
1345 Battery column complete arrived at destination. Many evacuees on roads. Loading of guns commenced immediately. This was a very difficult task as guns had to be side loaded on to trucks about 10 inches above siding platform. All guns were manhandled on to trucks one or two breaking through truck floors and having to be hauled up and moved. Tasks completed and train ready to move approx. 2200 hours.
1900 Road party moved off at approx. 1900 hours.
0500 Journey in progress. One gun broke through truck floor during journey had to be man handled to fresh position on truck.
0300 Trained arrived NANTES. Off loading commenced immediately. All guns and instruments delivered to Ordnance repair and overhaul. Personnel placed under canvas at CHATEUX LOMBARDIRIE, NANTES.
0800 "Stocktaking" of stores, personnel etc. Reconnaisance of three gun positions south of river LOIRE carried out by Battery Commander. Redistribution of personnel with three sections (ie 2 - Two guns and 1 - Three guns). Fitters and working parties sent to Ordnance to assist with guns and instruments.
Locations 157 Bty HQ CHAU BALINIERE
One section (Lt. Ross) deployed to P 3. Personnel under canvas
1600 One gun in action P 3. Enemy air activity NIL (in area)
Friday, 22 May 2015
157th Battery Diary entries 21 and 22 May 1940
0400 Preparation for evacuation of Battery to NANTES No.2 Base Sub Area. Orders issued that Battery would move at 1200 hours.
1145 Battery column assembled. Took cover while a few bombs were dropped on area.
1200 Column moved off. Destination railway station ROUILLY-GEROUDOT road
1345 Battery column complete arrived at destination. Many evacuees on roads. Loading of guns commenced immediately. This was a very difficult task as guns had to be side loaded on to trucks about 10 inches above siding platform. All guns were manhandled on to trucks one or two breaking through truck floors and having to be hauled up and moved. Tasks completed and train ready to move approx. 2200 hours.
1900 Road party moved off at approx. 1900 hours.
0500 Journey in progress. One gun broke through truck floor during journey had to be man handled to fresh position on truck.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
The Evacuation of the 157th Battery 16 to 20 1940
The breakout of the German army from Sedan on 14 May 1940 led to secret plans being issued for the move of the AASF from the area around Reims, where both the RAF and members of the British Territorial Army had been stationed since late September 1939. The plan was to evacuate the AASF south to the area around Troyes. By 15 May 1940 the Germans were reported to be in the Reims area and preparation for the evacuation of the anti aircraft regiments defending the AASF airfields was commenced. All the guns were in action all day gun walls were removed and stores were packed in readiness.
The orders, which were marked "Secret", were issued by 12th Anti Aircraft Brigade on 14 May to 53rd Regiment. They gave detail instructions of how the evacuation would be notified and location of the new airfields the AASF would be operating from. The word "SCRAM" would be issued to from the Brigade Headquarters to start the first part of the move followed by "SCRAM TWO" to initiate the second part of the move. All units were instructed to be ready to move at two hours notice. The plan envisaged a controlled withdrawal of the units down the main road leading from Reims via Louvais, Marevil, Vertus, and terminating at Fere Chamemoise. It further stipulated that all units would move with two days of fresh rations and three days of reserve rations. The Batteries of the 157th, that is PIP I, II and III, were assigned to defend AASF airfields at Anglure, St Lucien Ferme and Echemines.
At 00:40 hours on 16 May, the 53rd Regimental HQ issued the following urgent order to the 157th Battery HQ (codename PIP) in Vezernay.
"SCRAM VERY URGENT Stage III Para. 5 and note."
The intention was to put the first part of the evacuation into effect. However, at 04:30 hours the Officer Commanding 157th HAA Battery issued another order to PIP I. It read:
"Scram immediately - take only predictor - height indicator -Breeches - spotter telescope - personnel. You have one 3 tonner and two 30 cwt. Very urgent. Just rendezvous BERGERE T 28 38 * Ends"
The urgency of the situation is well captured in this brief message which was sent by Major Jim Chivers RA. The hand written record original of the message is on the files at the National Archive in Kew and was written by Rogers, with whom Frank shared his billet whilst in Vezernay. Frank mentions Rogers on several occasions in his letters.
The order of the move in one stage, and not the planned two stages, resulted in the 53rd HAA Regiment leaving behind 16 of their 24 3 inch anti aircraft guns. Stores were also abandoned and the petrol dump was fired.
On the afternoon of 16 May 1940 Lt Col Krohn, the officer commanding of the 53rd HAA Regiment sent a message by Despatch Rider to Major Chivers which read:
'Many valuable stores left at PIP II also canteen stock etc * Send one lorry under responsible NCO with small party of men to collect as much as possible * These HQs now situate VIZZACERF 10.5 kilo's south east of MERY * Report progress your move per this * DR [Despatch Rider]" (File reference National Archive WO167/637)
The failure to implement the evacuation orders in two stages as planned resulted in the firing of the fuel dump which caused the next day when trying to evacuate the 157th Battery to the Troyes area. Whilst the Battery regrouped at Droupt St Marie on 17 and 18 May, the 12th (AA) Brigade was putting plans in place to move the Battery again.
The decision was taken to split the 53rd HAA Regiment and attach the 158th Battery to the 73rd HAA Regiment. This Regiment was tasked with the anti aircraft defence of Nantes. This decision, in time, put the men of the battery on the SS Lancastria which was sunk with great loss of life as it left Nantes later in June 1940. The 12th (AA) Brigade believed that the "SCRAM" evacuation on 15 May had been made more difficult by the "over-reaction of certain units" which resulted in stores and guns having to be salvaged from the airfields around Reims. During one of these salvage operations 2 officers (including the Regimental Chaplain) and 5 other ranks were captured by the Germans. A later review of campaign in France by the 12th (AA) Brigade was damning and concluded that "they [53rd] had exceeded the evacuation order." As a result of the botched evacuation 14 of the 18 guns of the 53rd were left temporarily out of action and had to be sent to Nantes for refitting.
The 53rd (less the 158th Battery) was ordered to move to Rouilly-Geraudot Station on the Troyes to Piney railway line to load and entrain at 17:00 hours on 21 May. The Regiment was ordered to move as much equipment as possible to a concealed position close to the station on 20 May. By this stage the 53rd only had 14 guns remaining and they were further ordered to hand over all their anti tank rifles and ammunition to the 73rd HAA Regiment. The 158th Battery took 176 rounds per gun for their four 3 inch guns and the 53rd was ordered to dump the remaining anti aircraft shells; the 12th (AA) Brigade HQ was to be told the location of the dump, although it was probably never recovered with the rapid advance of the Germans.
Not all of the 53rd Regiment travelled by train on 21 May and a group travelled by road to Nantes in the Regiments remaining motor transport.. The route took them via Sens, Montargis, Orleans, Tours and then to Nantes. Sufficient petrol for 300 miles was carried in the convoy.
Sadly, the 53rd HAA Regiment did not come out of this period well. The panic and chaos caused by the rapid German advance, the rumours of paratroopers, spies and fifth columnists will all have added to the over reaction to the evacuation order early in the morning of 15 May 1940. The Regimental diary recorded on 13 May that "Parachute troops dressed as workmen are reported to have been dropped." Such reports, true or not, led to chaos behind the lines.
The botched evacuation in the early morning of 15 May had a significant impact on the involvement of the Regiment in the rest of the French campaign. Some personnel of the 158th Battery were drowned when the SS Lancastria was sunk and the other two batteries ended up becoming the last Bristish regiment to be formally evacuated from France when they left Marseille on 18 June 1940.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
157th HAA Battery Diary entries 19 and 20 May 1940
German Panzers made it to Amiens on the afternoon of 19 May 1940 cutting the AASF off from the BEF. The territorial soldiers of the 157th HAA Battery 53rd HAA (City of London) Regiment were now cut off from the channel coast and the BEF and received orders to head for Nantes.
The diary entries for 19 and 20 May 1940 read as follows:
08:00 Orders received that no further salvage forces will be sent out. Two guns in action ST LUCIEN FERME. One in action POUAN (EAST). One in action POUAN (WEST). Preliminary instructions received re. reorganisation of 12th (Anti Aircraft) Brigade.
08:00 Detailed instructions received re. reorganisation of 12th (Anti Aircraft) Brigade received and put into action. Transfer of personnel carried out and equipment handed over.
Instructions re. move of remainder of Battery to Nantes received.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Parachute Troops Bring War from the Skies
157th HAA Battery Diary entry 18 May 1940
0800 Further salvage parties sent to old gunsites for guns and stores. New positions at ST LUCIEN FERME and PUAN reconnoitered by Battery Commander.
1140 Two guns on site at ST LUCIEN FERME.
1330 One gun on site at POUAN (EAST).
1715 Two guns in action ST LUCIEN FERME. Two guns on site POUAN (WEST). All guns recovered together with practically all stores and ammunition.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
16 May 1940 - Code Word "SCRAM" Issued as Germans Advance
This post is made even more interesting by the comments provided from another member of the 157th HAA Battery for which I am very grateful.
To read the diary entry, follow the link below to entry on my blog.
16 May 1940 Code Word "SCRAM" Issued
Friday, 15 May 2015
157th HAA Battery Diary entry 15 May 1940
The 157th Heavy Anti Aircraft Battery continues to play an active role in the battle against the Luftwaffe. After 6 months of preparing their positions e order is given to prepare to evacuate the guns sites on only the sixth day of the battle.
04:00 Considerable enemy air activity. Pointer rounds fired by both gun stations.
08:16 One Do. 17 brought down by Hurricanes. Many pointer rounds fired. AUBERIVE Aerodrome bombed. Considerable bombing and aerial combats in REIMS area. At least two enemy planes seen to be brought down by fighters. Emergency move orders issued and explained to Station Commanders.
09:35 Instructions received to prepare for moving guns. Sections in action all day. Gun walls removed and stores packed in readiness.
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Holland Overwhelmed in Five Days Campaign
War broke on Holland shortly before dawn on Friday May 10, and by the evening of the following Tuesday, May 14, the Dutch Commander-in-Chief had decided that further resistance was useless and the "Cease Fire" was sounded. Germany's war machine, so long prepared and employed with such ruthless efficiency, had destroyed the indepenence of yet another of the countries of Europe.
When the avalanches of fire and steel swept over the Dutch frontier shortly before dawn on Friday, May 10, the advanced troops of the Netherland Army gradually retired according to pre-arranged plan. Their task was to to hinder, not to hold position which it was generally agreed were militarily indefensible. So, fighting with their stubborn tenacity which has ever characterised their race, the Dutch machine gunners and riflemen withdrew to the first line of defence just in front of the rivers Yssel and Maas.
The Germans were hot in pursuit with forces far superior in number and far better supplied with guns, and by nightfall the battle was joined along the two rivers, while the German parachutists who had landed from 'planes and transports were converting the interior of Holland into a welter of confused battle. That night the Germans, having overrun the "Maastrict Appendix", made the passage of the Maas and entered the town itself. Shortly afterwards owing to one of the two bridges having escaped destruction by the defenders, they crossed the Albert Canal and so gained a foothold in the Belgian defensive positions.
This same day (Saturday) the Germans managed to effect the crossing of the Yassel below Arnhem, while their troops landed by air and from the sea in the vicinity of Rotterdam, continued in a determined effort to capture that great centre of Dutch commercial life. The Dutch seemed, however, to have the position well in hand, and General Winkleman, the Commander in Chief, declared in an order of the day issued that night to his troops theat "the German invasion of Holland has been a failure and the German High Command has made a profound mistake in underrating the Dutch Army."
Already, however, the situation had taken a turn for the worse. By Sunday morning the Germans had crossed the Yssel and Maas in several places, and the Dutch, after destroying as many bridges as possible, were withdrawing to their "waterline" - the flooded area in front of what is called "fortress Holland", the triangle formed by the three cities of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam. Practically the whole of northern Hooland had been overrun by the invaders, who had made their appearance on the eastern shore of the Zuyder Zee and from Harlingen were threatening the great dam whihc connects Friesland with the province of North Hooland. Far more serious was the German advance westward from Nymegen, which had the effect of cutting off the main Dutch forces from those operating in the south of Holland, and of course, the Belgians and their Franco-British Allies.
So black was the outlook on the Monday morning (May 13) that no surprise was caused by the announcement that Princess Juliana and later, Queen Wilhelmina, had taken refuge in England. Soon they were followed by the Dutch Government, which had found it impossibe to function in a country involved in total war. By now the German advance through North Brabant has become a rush; their armoured cars had appeared at Langstraat, and they had taken by treachery the vital Moedyk Bridge which crosses the Hollandische Diep connecting North Brabant with South Holland, the very heart of the country. The Germans claimed, indeed, that their advanced detachments had made contact with the German troops fighting in Rotterdam.
Twenty four hours later General Winkleman announced that Dem Halder, the northern point of the province of North Holland and a main military base, was still in Dutch hands, and, so, too was Rotterdam; but Zeeland was still held.
It was now Tuesday afternoon, and the situation was grave in the extreme. "Fortress Hooland" was almost surrounded, and was being attacked simultaneusly from land, sea and air. Rotterdam was bombed furiously in the course of the afternoon, and Utrecht was threatened with similar destruction; both cities surrendered a few hours later. It was hardly surprising then, that early in the evening General Winkleman ordered his troops to cease fighting, and by 7pm the order had been obeyed.
At 1 o'clock in the morning of May 14 the Netherlands Legation in London announced the news.
"The Coonder in Chief of the Netherlands Army has issued a proclamation to the troops concenred that fighting is to cease.
Enemy troops in great numbers have succeeded in crossing the Moerdyk Bridge and in retaking Rotterdam, which had been previously heavily bombarded. Consequently the heart of the country was laid open to the enemy and the main forces of the army behind the Dutchw aterline were threatened by immediate enemy attacks on their rear.
Under these circumstances, and to avoid complete destruction of the country, the C-in-C was of the opinion that further resistance had become useless and therefore was to be abandoned."
So Holland's five day campaign ended.
157th HAA Battery Diary entry 14 May 1940
This diary entry records the first signs of problems for the BEF and AASF as the Germans commence their attack in the Sedan area.
0600 Considerable enemy air activity. Pointer rounds fired. PIP I placed four rounds in middle of formation of 21 Dorniers. Formation broken up. One brought down by fighter plane. Considerable activity all day. Emergency move orders received from C.O.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
They March under Leopold to the Battle
The invasion of Belgium was only a few hours old when it was made clear that the Belgian Army which had taken to the field under King Leopold might be relied upon to live up to the great tradition of that captained by his heroic father, King Albert, from 1914 to 1918. Some details of the present Belgian Army are given below.
When the Kaiser's legions fell upon "gallant little Belgium" in the August of 1914, they were opposed by an army rich in bravery but poor in all those things without which modern battles cannot be won. The soldiers who defended the forts of Liege for eleven terrible days, who struggled back from Antwerp to join their king in the water soaked remnant of their country about Furnes, were all of them ragged, many or most of them without sufficient guns and ammunition.
Very different was the army which was so suddenly put to the test on May 10, 1940. Its fire power was beyond comparison with that of 1914 or even 1918; the troops were provided with modern armaments claimed to be the best in existence, weapons which are Belgian in construction and manufacture. Moreover, the working of the principle of universal service had been perfected, with the result that it was possible even before Belgium herself was involved in the conflict to call 650,000 men to the colours - out of a population, be it remembered of only 8,000,000.
According to the military law passed in 1937 the ranks of the Belgian army are filled by an annual contingent of conscripts, supplemented by voluntary enlistments. Volunteers enlist for periods of from three to five years; the period of service of the annual contingent of conscripts is 17 months for 60 per cent of the intake and 12 months for the remainder. The liability to military service extends over 25 years - 15 years in the regular army and reserve and 10 years in the territorial army.
For the purposes of military organisation Belgium is divided into four areas. No. I consists of West and East Flanders and Hainaut; No. II of Antwerp and Limburg; No. III of Liege, Namur and Luxembourg; and No. IV of Brabant. There are a Staff College, and a school for training regimental officers at Brussels and a Cadet School at Namur. Non-commissioned officers are trained at Bouillon and St. Trond for French and Flemish speaking soldiers respectively. Then there are, of course, schools for specialised training in the various branches of the military art.
How the Army is Organised
In 1939 the strength of the army in Belgium was 4,800 officers and 88,000 other ranks - made up of 55,000 conscripts and 33,000 long service soldiers - organised in three infantry and one mechanised cavalry army corps. The infantry make up seven divisions, consisting of 22 regiments; there are two divisions of mechanised cavalry comprising eight regiments, two of which are cyclist. As regards artillery, there were before the war 91 batteries of field artillery and 12 of heavy artillery. There is also a division of special frontier troops, and last December the formation was announced of a Marine Corps charged with the patrol and protection of the coast.
As mentioned above, shortly after the present war began Belgium mobilised 650,000 men, and it may be anticipated that she has put an even larger number into the field in the course of the present campaign.
By way of comparison the position in 1914 may be stated. Parliament, the year before, had authorised a scheme that would yeild eventually 340,000 men, but on the outbreak of war only 230,000 were available, of whom 60,000 were fortress troops. One cavalry and six other divisions composed the field army, for which no reserve drafts existed.
In time of peace the head of the Belgian army is the Minister of Defence - the present holder of this office is Lieut. Gen. Henri Denis - but in time of war the Army is commanded by the king in person King Leopold announced in a proclamation of September 4, 1939, however, that he had taken over the command of the army, even though at that time his country was not actually involved in hostilities. During the crisis of January, 1940, when not only was the Belgian army fully mobilised but the frontier districts particularly in the Eupen-Malmedy area, had been evacuated of their civilian population, he set up an army headquarters; and as soon as the German troops crossed the Belgian frontier in the early hours of May 10 he went to the front and assumed effective control of his country's defence forces. Under him as Cheif of Staff, is Major-Gen. Michiels, who succeeded Lieut.-Gen Van den Bergen on February 1 last.
157th HAA Battery Diary entry 13 May 1940
Considerable enemy air activity. Pointer rounds fired by both gun stations.
06:25 PIP I engaged enemy planes at height 4,700' [feet]. One brought down by gun fire. Bombs dropped on AUBERIVE Aerodrome. Enemy activity continued all day.
Mr.Churchill' s Declaration, May 13, 1940
I say to the House, as I said to the Ministers who have joined this Government, I have nothing to offer but blood and toil and tears and sweat.
we have before all of us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.
If you ask what is our policy I will say it is to wage war - war by air, land and sea, war with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy.
If you ask us "What is your aim?" I can answer in one word -victory. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terrors, victory however long and hard the road may, for without victory there is no survival - and let that be realised - no survial for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge and impulse of the ages that mankind shall ove forward towards its goal.
I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men. I feel entitled, at this juncture, and at this time, to claim the aid of all, and I say, "Come, then, let us go forward together in our united strength."
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
The BEF Marches into Belgium
Strict in her interpretation of neutrality, Belgium had permitted no preliminary consultations between her general and the Allied High Command. Nevertheless, the latter had prepared plans for the eventuality of the little country's invasion, and so the BEF wasted no time in proceeding to her succour.
Many a British Army has marched into Belguim - red coats and men in khaki, the veterans of Marlborough and Wellington, French, Plumer and Haig. But the British Army which crossed the frontier from France on Friday, 10 May, had left far behind the days of foot slogging and foot sore infantry. Gort's men sped over the long, straight roads in roaring tanks and armoured cars, in mile upon mile of rumbling motor lorries.
For eight months this great force had been encamped within a few miles of the frontier ready to counter just such a desperate lightening stroke as Hitler had now delivered. All through those eight months the men had looked across into the Belgian fields and villages and where only a short generation before their fathers had marched to ultimate victory. To cross that line had meant internment, but now it was obliterated. With the Germans thundering at his eatsern gates, King Leopold appealed to his father's ally for succour in Belgium's hour of tremendous danger. Within thirty minutes of that appeal the first British and French 'planes had flown into Belgium to make combat with the hordes of Nazi bombers. Within a few hours the men of the ground forces followed in their wake.
The frontier barriers were still in position when the vanguard of the British troops appeared in sight, but it was the work of a w moments to thrust them aside or even in some places uproot them in joyous frenzy of new-found fraternity. As the first detachment crossed the frontier saluted by the customs officers and gendarmerie, a sergeant yelled out to a platoon seated beside him in the motor -lorry, "Now we're in boys!" and to the Belgian girls who lined the footpath they shouted "Which way to Berlin?"
"Leading elements of the BEF, in co-operation with the French army, entered Belgium today," announced a communique issued by the British GHQ on that evening of the first day of real war on the Western Front. "They were accorded a great welcome by the Belgian population."
Wild enthusiasm, indeed, made the progress of the British one long triumphant procession. At the first Belgian village the inhabitants ran out with mugs of beer, which they offered to the soldiers; the older amongst the peasants no doubt remembered that the British soldier always has a thirst! Belgian girls tore sprigs of lilac from the roadside bushes and flung them in the path of the advancing cavalcade or rushed to hand them to the soldiers. Soon every lorry and many of the men were decorated with bunches of lilac, and the sinister shapes of the tanks and anti-aircraft guns were made gay with bunches of tulips, poses of lily-of-the-valley and trailing strands of creeper.
"The Belgians have been wonderful to us all along the route," one of the drivers told Paul Bewsher, special correspondent of the "Sunday Dispatch", on Saturday.
"Early this morning they brought out jugs of hot coffee which we gulped down as we stopped for a few minutes. The bakers brought us packets full of cakes and buns. At other places they gave us toffee and chocolate, and just outside this town they gave us a glass of beer. Though we been on the road since late last night with no stop for a meal, it has not been at all bad."
157th HAA Battery Diary Entry 12 May 1940
The diary entry for 12 May 1940 gives good news about the success of the fate of the attacking Dornier Do 17s the day before.
Considerable enemy air activity. Pointer rounds fired. Enemy engaged by fighters. Two enemy planes seen to crash.
Report received from HQ that eight of fifteen planes engaged in attack on VRAUX Aerodrome on 11/5/40 crashed in our territory on way home. Said to have been damaged by small arms ground defence fire. this could only have been inflicted by gun station and RA7 ground defences. This Battery PIP II credited with minimum of two. Considerable bombing in area.
Monday, 11 May 2015
157th HAA Battery Diary entry 11 may 1940
The Phoney War finally came to an end for the 157th HAA Battery with attacks by the Luftwaffe on the airfields of the AASF. Bearing in mind that the members of the Battery and the whole 53rd HAA Regiment were members of the British Territorial Army meaning that they were part time soldiers, this baptism of fire was a sudden introduction to the the terror of total war.
Interesting description of Luftwaffe tactics. The Luftwaffe planes were Dornier Do 17s, nicknamed the Flying Pencil. The RAF Museum is currently restoring a Do 17 that was salvaged from the Goodwin Sands in the English Channel. It is the only surviving example of this type.
04:00 Five guns ready for action.
05:45 Low flying attacks on VRAUX aerodrome by 16 Do. 17s at between 10-100 ft. Engaged by PIP II shrapnel two guns only. Two guns nearest line of attack out of action, fire of remaining two guns restricted by safety arc. About 60 bombs dropped on aerodrome. Six machines damaged. Petrol dump fired. Enemy planes machine gunned gun positions from about 50 ft. One casualty (foot). Tactics used by enemy - One high plane as decoy two Hurricane fighters in pursuit. Low attack by 16 planes approaching along Mame Valley - turned north to attack Aerodrome - wheeled and came back to attack guns and made off flying very low in easterly direction. Further indicator rounds fired by both stations during day.
Sunday, 10 May 2015
157th HAA Battery Diary entry 10 May 1940
First day of the Blitz in the West but no action recorded for the Territorial Army soldiers of 157th (City of London) Battery.
04:03 Five guns ready for action.
04:45 Considerable enemy activity. Indicator rounds fired by both stations PIP I and II during day. Work on huts and field works continued.
10 May 1940 - Fall Gelb -The Blitzkrieg in the West Begins
Before dawn on Friday, May 10, the anti-aircraft guns outside Amsterdam blazed into action at a handful of Nazi 'planes caught for the moment by the probing fingers of the searchlights as they appeared above the city from the east. That was 2.41 am; it was the herald of the coming storm.
Some twenty minutes later German troops began to cross the frontiers of Holland, of Belgium and of Luxemburg, sweeping aside such local opposition as was mustered for the moment, and at the same time vast numbers of German aeroplanes speeded above them, heavily charges with bombs and parachute troops. Shortly after 4 am the first of the parachute troops began to patter down upon the still dark countryside of the Netherlands, and by 5 o'clock Brussels had been bombed, and also a large number of towns in Northern and Eastern France, including Calais and Dunkirk, Lille and Nancy, and Pontoise, not far from Paris. The bombers' principal objectives were the aerodromes; and many of the aerodromes occupied by the RAF behind the Maginot Line were similarly visited, without much damage being done.
At 6 o'clock a German ultimatum was delivered the Dutch, Belgian and Luxemburg Governments, in which it was declared that inasmuch as a "British and French offensive against Germany was imminent" and that "it was intended to take place against the Ruhr via Belgium and Holland," German troops had received orders "to safeguard the neutrality of these countries with all their military means." The German troops were "not coming as enemies of the Belgian and Dutch peoples," it was averred, and if the Governments wanted to safeguard the well-being of their peoples then they should see to it that the German troops should meet with no resistance whatsover. But "should the German troops be offered resistance in Belgium and Holland this resistance will be broken with all means."
To this insolent demand Holland and Belgian made swift and uncompromising reply. Addressing herself to her people, Queen Wilhelmina made "a flaming protest against this unprecedented violation of good faith and violation of all that is decent between cultured States." She went on, "I and my Government will do our duty. Do you duty everywhere and in all circumstances. Every man to his post."
King Leopold [of the Belgians], too, spoke to his people. "For the second time in a quarter of a century," he said, "Belgium, honest and neutral in her conduct, has been attacked by the German Reich, which treats with contempt the most solemn pledges .... I shall remain faithful to the oath I took under the Constitution to maintain the independence and integrity of my country as my father did in 1914. I have placed myself at the head of the Army with the same faith and confidence in our cause. Belgium is innocent, and with the help of God she will triumph.
Compare with these noble and dignified appeals to the conscience of enlightened humanity the rodomontade with which Hitler sent his troops into what was soon to be described as the greatest battle in history. "For 300 years," raved the Fuehrer, "it has been the aim of Britain and France to prevent any consolidation in Europe, and especially to weaken Germany. The German people have no hatred against the British and French people, but we are today faced with a question of life or destruction." After repeating the lie about the Allies' alleged plans to attack the Ruhr through Belgium and Holland, the Fuehrer concluded: " Soldiers of the Western Front our hour has come. The fight which begins today will determine Germany's future for the next Thousand years."
Von Ribbentrop, too, expressed himself in characteristic fashion: "The German Army," he said, "will now speak to Britain and France in the only language which their rulers seem to understand, and settle with them once and for all."
Turning from words to deeds, we already know enough to be able to recognize May 10 as one of the most amazing days in the whole panorama of history. Nothing was too fantastic to be performed by the Nazis in their attempt to capture Holland in the course of a few short hours. Mr. Van Kleffens, the Dutch Foreign Minister, when he arrived in England on 11 May, said the German parachutists descended on Holland like rain, many of them dressed in British, Dutch, Belgian and French uniforms. "Other Germans were hidden in river barges. Others were landed in seaplanes. They used the harbour bays and docks with great daring. Armed with heavy machine-guns they established themselves everywhere in fields and behind dykes." One of the first places to be seized by the Nazis was Rotterdam aerodrome, and the Dutch suffered many casualties before they were able to recapture this vital spot. Another detachment of parachutists had descended at Delft four miles south of The Hague, charged with the desperate plan of cutting off the Dutch capital from the rest of Holland and of capturing the Queen and the Government. Here again the Dutch were fortunately able to muster sufficient forces to put the parachutists out of action.
Many other parachute landings were reported throughout the day, and the wireless station at Hilversum was kept busy in informing the local authorities of the approach of Nazi planes believed to be carrying troops. All over Holland isolated detachments of the foe were doing their utmost to hamstring the Dutch advances and to weaken the morale of the Dutch people. In both these objects, however, they failed, for after the first shock of the invasion the traditional stubbornness of the Hollanders was abundantly manifested. "I saw them crying," said one English observer, "but they were tears of rage and not terror."
With undaunted courage the gendarmerie and police, aided by the regulars, mopped up the parachutists and destroyed the armed nests organised by German sympathisers. It was fortunate that the Dutch had been forewarned by the extent of a few hours, and had already arrested some of the potential Quislings - many persons whose names appeared on the letters of introduction with which the parachutists had been so considerately furnished at their depots.
How the battle was going at the front was revealed in a communique issued by the Dutch General Headquarters on the evening of May 10 - the first communique, it may be noted, since Holland was last at war, in 1831. It announced that following the crossing of the frontier by German troops at several places at 3am, Dutch frontier troops had blown up the bridges over the rivers Maas and Yssel. Aeroplane attacks on aerodromes had been made, but the army and navy were ready. Flooding, it continued, was being carried out to according to plan.
An account of the opening day's fighting on the Belgian front was given by M. Pierlot, the Belgian Prime Minister on a broadcast on the evening of Sunday May 12. "On Friday," he said, "the enemy were not able to penetrate into our territory at any point on any considerable scale. Thorough demolitions were immediately carried out everywhere along the frontier, and checked the advance of the enemy."
"On Saturday, however," went on the Premier, "the enemy succeeded in crossing to the north of the Albert Canal. The officer charged with the destruction of the two bridges next to Maastricht was killed by an aerial bomb. This caused a delay in carrying out the order, which was used by the enemy to occupy the two bridges and to cross them with motorised forces.
Later on, however, one of our officers infiltrated into the German lines, reached the charge chambers, and blew himself up with the bridge, thus heroically sacrificing his life in the accomplishment of his duty.
Thus the enemy had only one bridge left at his disposal. Across this they attacked our troops with an enormous mass of tanks and aircraft.
In spite of the fierce resistance they offered, our troops had to withdraw as far as Tongres. In the afternoon we counterattacked with our motorised forces and aircraft, but although severe losses were inflicted upon the enemy we could only succeed in retarding his advance."
M. Pierlot went on to say that fierce enemy attacks were being delivered against fortifications: "The glacis of these forts is covered with German corpses." He made no attempt at disguising the gravity of the situation but he concluded with a note of calm resolution. "Be confident of Victory," he said, "and with the help of our Allies we shall triumph."
"With the help of our Allies." For by now it had been revealed that the appeal to Britain for aid which had been made by Queen Wilhelmina and King Leopold in the early hours of May 10 had been answered within half an hour and that before the day was over a great stream of French and British soldiers was sweeping across the Belgian frontier to help the men of the Low Countries in combating the flood of Nazi invasion.
Saturday, 9 May 2015
157th HAA Battery Diary Entry 9 May 1940
My blog returns to 1940 after a brief foray into 1945 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of VE Day.
The Battery diary has the following entry for 9 May 1940. One can't help but think that that after all the months of preparation the removal of 2 guns is particularly poor timing.
No.1 and 2 guns at PIP II (south) placed out of action owing to the removal of receiving dials to change over from A.R.C. to "M" Type transmission. (Predictors)
Thursday, 7 May 2015
8 May 1945 VE Day Letter
A change to the theme today to reflect the 70th anniversary of VE Day today.
I have fast forwarded 5 years and published the letter Frank sent home on VE Day 1945 from near Bologna, Italy. Although unrelated to the Battle of France it is such a moving letter that I have psoted it on the blog. The releif that soon he may be returning home is palpable after 6 years in the Army. He eventually returned home in 1946. I hope you enjoy this letter.
My Dear Edie,
I will be writing again shortly to answer your letters, two of which arrived yesterday.
This, being THE DAY for which we've waited so long and means so much that it is difficult to express in words I felt you would like to know, by my writing, that I'm thinking of you all and home and peace. It has all happened so quickly that none of us fully realise that we have well and truly and deservedly WON this war.
Perhaps Mr Churchill's speech at 3pm today will bring it home to us. After the speech there will be a short service which I shall go to, and no doubt many others who are poor church goers will be only too pleased to go to it.
We shall not be able to celebrate VE Day in any lavish style, situatd as we are now in fields far from any gaity or life. But we have a piano which will help liven things up, and a good pianist to play. We acquired this wretched instrument where we were billeted prior to the attack, and managed to take it with us when we moved. Then we found it was impossible to continue humping it around with the frequent moving, and finally asked a farmhouse to take care of it for us. Yesterday a truck went out to buy vino for celebrating and called in at the farm and found the old joanna carefully covered up and awaiting collection.
So, we have a piano, some vino, and will have a bonfire after dark (I like this "no black out business!) around which we can sit and drink and sing. But I feel this is not the greatest day of celebration for the men in the Forces away from home, or for their wives or families at home. When we are reunited, that will be the day to celebrate and not until then, when we've thrown off our uniform will it seem like the end of the war.
I have no more idea than you when I shall come home. Daresay it will be a few months yet; at least that is what I am trying to get myself resigned to.
I was very sorry to hear that Anne was ill; from your remarks I expect she will be out and about now, and the worst part will be over. Tell her I bought soem small pretty thing for her when I was in Bologna the other day. I will post it unless by some lucky chance I can bring it myself soon.
Am in the best of health and hope you are, too.
Fondest love to all,
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
5 May 1940 - Hut Building Continues
Still no change for the 157th HAA Battery with 7 guns ready and hut building continuing. Most of the airfields used by the AASF were just that, fields that were suitable for flying from that had been found in September 1939. In some cases the aircraft had to taxi over public roads to get from dispersal points to the runway. This would explain the 6 months of construction and preparation by the men of the 157th as they worked at creating a more permanent airfield. However, within days the airfields would be evacuated and over run in the German advance.
Monday, 4 May 2015
How to polish your Army Buttons
Ever wondered how to shine up the buttons and badges on an Army tunic without getting Brasso on the material? Well this brass protector can be placed around the buttons to prevent that happening. The item has many different shapes on each side to allow the polishing of all badges and buttons wherever they are. This uniform protector belonged to my Frank and must have been with him throughout the Battle of France and the rest of the war in his kit bag. A lovely item to have and hold and wonder what stories it could tell, so I haven't cleaned the verdigris off it as I think that it adds character. Once again all the buttons hale from Birmingham.
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Buttons in place to show how the protector would have been used. |
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The verdigris on the protector add to its character. |
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Diary of 53rd HAA Regiment 3 May 1940
No change again in the diary entry for 157th HAA Battery, but the diary of 53rd HAA Regiment, formed of 157th, 158th and 159th HAA Batteries, records the following:
Leave started - 3 Officers 97 other ranks sent to UK for 10 days leave.
Not very good timing to restart the UK leave rota.
Saturday, 2 May 2015
2 May 1940 - Buttons from Birmingham
The larges buttons are from his tunic and were made by C H C & Sons Ltd of Birmingham. The small button is from the cuff of his tunic and was made by Sydney Griffith, also of Birmingham.
The manufacturers stamp on the back of the button is known as a backmark.
It is easy to think that during the war, industry was only making weapons, tanks and ammunition, but other industries were just as vital to the war effort. Just imagine the number of uniform buttons that these Birmingham button manufacturers produced during the Second World War.
Friday, 1 May 2015
157th HAA Battery dairy entry 1 May 1940
A straightforward diary entry for 1 May 1940:
08:00 Seven guns ready for action. Field works and hut construction continued.